Saturday 19 September 2009

Weird, wonderful and beautiful

My boys at Newlyn fish send me the finest fish available anywhere in the country. This, coupled with my fisheries science background, allows us to offer great information to our customers on the products they buy. I feel it is very important to know your product to make it an interesting shopping experience for all the customers. On occasions we are sent some great fish which we use as points of interest. Most are not really edible, however, they always find a home. Any of you who may have dined at Bocca di Lupo in Soho may have noticed some great works of art on the wall. The fish were all from our shop including the silver dory, the rays and the garfish.

Silver Dory

Torpedo Ray (species of electric ray)

Twaites Shad

Female Cuckoo Wrasse (male is blue and yellow)

Whole Monkfish

Greater Weaver fish (lesser weaver short, stumpy and lies in sand with poisonous spine protruding)

Wild Gilthead Bream (99.9% you will see are farmed)

The wrasse and Gilthead Bream are fond favourite of mine as they where the centre stage of the Atlantic talk i used to give at the London Aquarium. They deserve there own posts by right so best get writing.

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