Sunday 15 November 2009

The Ultimate Sacrifice

So I whinge I can’t get fish. My customers complain that they can’t get the fish they want. My wholesalers complain they struggle to get fish. This past couple of weeks has seen some of the worst storms for nearly a decade with 70mph+ coastal winds, flooding, extensive damage to property and yet we still expect fish. As fish go short the price increases as wholesalers and exporters bid against each other for the morsels. The over worked, under paid, fisherman eye a chance for a better return and risk their lives for this and ultimately to put fish on our plates. Again last weekend we lost another brave crewman who was washed over board into the English Channel from the Brixham trawler the Korenbloem. Young James Grindy was heroically pulled from the water by two of his colleagues who dived into the icy water with no concern for their own safety. James was taken by the air ambulance but died later in hospital. I would like to say many understand the dangers of being a fisherman, however, many more do not. Make it you business to realise what some people do to supply fish – sometimes the ultimate sacrifice

1 comment:

  1. Wow. What an eye opener. I mean, I realised fishing was dangerous and that people are potentially risking their lives but for some reason the fact that this happened in the English Channel has shocked me. I must have been very niaive and thought this could only happen in the middle of a huge ocean, not that that makes it any less tragic of course. A very brave pair to jump into the water and save him and such a sad, sad outcome in the end. What a tragedy.
