

Saturday, 19 January 2019

Skrei season is here

Everyone now knows about this delicacy and even retail fishmongers and previous doubters will now stock. Every wholesaler has a Web page describing it and some of the bigger ones will spend thousands promoting it. Major premium retail outlets will go big including our Selfridges counter and our supply partners Wholefoods whom both will label under MSC.
Nearly 8 years ago I went Skrei and here is what I believe the first real reference on the web

So not a new phenomenum but certainly still a fishy treat that offers up for just 2 months of the year. But start too early it's very expensive, carry on too long and the fish condition has gone. Know the season and respect the quality

Blurb from my Pals at Direct Seafood
Skrei is a type of Norwegian Cod, in season from January to April each year. Skrei is pronounced ‘Sk-rey’ and the meaning of ‘Skrei’ is ‘to migrate’. At the beginning of every year, millions of large, mature Cod – at approximately 5 years old, make the journey from the Barents sea

#retail #sustainability #seasonal #norwegian #fisheries #msc #fishing #supply #wholesale #seafood

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